You are here: Wheel and Telescope loaders / Lastskopa med sparskär 4500- L

Lastskopa med sparskär 4500- L

This bucket is designed for transport of gravel, soil and rock material. The design allows efficient loading and unloading without spoiling material. We provide several different cutting edges according to your requirements.
The bucket is designed to handle 1.8 tons / m3.
Standard equipped with base and cutting edge HB500, type VCE 2 and 3 or CAT systems and connection to Q-C.

Pin-on attachment:
Up to 5.0m³ +1650 EUR From 5.0³ +2530 EUR.
Wedge-type K300/325 +1540EUR, K420/525 +2530 EUR
Fusion QC +1540 EUR

Cutting edge options: Trubb 3-piece Half-tipped 5-piece
Base edge 30mm + 880 EUR +1760 EUR
Base edge 35mm +1320 EUR +2640 EUR
Base edge 40mm +1980 EUR +3960 EUR
Base edge 50mm +2640 EUR + 5060 EUR
BOE = bolted edges

V = Volvo original
C = Cat original

ABL120 = Large BM
ABL180 = Large-sized BM

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